Search results for: .hash.homeloans

What comes first: the property or the loan?

It’s easy to get carried away with the fun part of buying a property – looking at houses – but delaying the less compelling task of arranging finance will weaken your negotiating position on both the property and the loan. Looking for a property to purchase is an exciting time. Choices regarding location, size, number...

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Are you pre-approved?

Why get a loan pre-approval? What is it? How could it help you? Well, just imagine you have some money saved up or have equity to invest and you’re thinking about a property purchase – perhaps to live in or as an investment. But how do you know where to start if you don’t have...

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Why use a broker?

Like many people, have you never really gauged why you’d use a broker? Have you ever thought “can’t my bank just organise my finance?” Well sure, but without a broker, it’s a bit like going to a shopping centre, walking into the first shop and buying the third item you try on, because the salesman/woman...

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